Raya tahun ini sedikit suram sebab kakak tak balik on 1st day of raya. So no noisy environment without those kids :(
Di pagi lebaran haruslah ada gambar bertelekung and of course bared face.
Nasib baik kualiti gambar tak elok, kalo dak nampak habih jerawat =.="
After solat raya, weols (mom&adik ja pong) gerak ke kampung at Parit Buntar, Perak. What?? You dok situ jugak? Lets meet! Same goes here, a bit suram jugak sebab 3 mak sedara tak dak balik beraya ke kampung suami. Yg lebih menyuramkan photographer (Makteh) takdak, so xdak orang nak snap gambar kitorang. Therefore, I pun takdak mood nak amek gambar orang. Self-obsession gila! Bila petang menjelma semua pun tebongkang tidor. Whatt?? Raya weh hampa dok tidoq! So gloom! So I decided to meet my lovely boyfie but we don't know where to go either. Segan nak pi rumah tok dia, heh. Lastly we end up eating KFC and I got duit raya! $$$$$$
Match la kot black-blue black kan? Heh..and yeay I nampak kurus in black! :p
So here end of 1st day of raya. Bosan siot kan? Humm..what to do. Blame them not me! During the weekend we had kenduri at my sis-in-law's side. Yg tu I update in other post hokay?
The day I've been waiting for, arrival of my sister's family! Sangatlah merindui kanak2 girang itu. So we had like an open house for family, tak ingat dah raya ke berapa. Baru terasa macam 1st day of raya, so we recycle the same baju kurung, baru mood mai!
Some of them, enjoying spageti made by my sis (tudung celoreng kuning tu), Cikgu Jue Purple..kahkah
Sisters and cousins! From left: Older siste; Kak Jue, me, Minsya nur Diana, Intan nur Aisyah and younger sis; Aina Sofia. Nama penuh haa aku bagi. Kalo la sema cousins ada kan best. Dear Atikah Fadzil, we misssss u! long time no see. Hope you read this post.
They were busy in the kitchen! Me? Busy nangkap gambar jahh..heh
I thought the camera focused to me but its not. :(
Yg tu makjang sy, Farah Naz namanya and that boy is her son, Farish.
Sesi calar mencalar preve baru makteh. Hah, no pic of my makteh. Tak bley nak tunjuk, sorry makteh.
Couple of the year, Intan and her husband! Sori lupa nama husband hg, Intan. Dan ini membuatkan sy nak kawin cepat2, jales dgn ke-loving-an depa.
And not to forget to the two kiddos! Danish and Daniel, currently missing them badly.
Owh owh owh, no pic of mom! I'm so sorry mom, tula mak dok sibok sgt pasai pa. Soh pakai baju cantik pun takmau. Next post ye mak? Eh!
So begitulah hari raya sy tahun ini. Mungkin tahun terakhir beraya sbg org bujang? Jeng jeng jeng!
Hopefully semua berjalan lancar, Amin.
So a day a post until I finish topic kay! Stay tune. Bajet hg retis ka hapa dok soh org tunggu post hg?? Puiiii
Last but not least, my sis during closed raya ceremony with Yuna, another sis of her.
Sapa lgi lawa? Tettttt.....
Night uols! Cikgu kena study chemistry malam ni (=.=')
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